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MADesign, Technology and Society - Non-Thesis

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Ongoing technological developments offer a wide range of opportunities for the creative industries. In the fundamental fields of the global market where creative industries can grow – design, film production, music, animation, interactive media, computer games, digital advertisement, gastronomy, and cultural heritage – the creative industries need scholars and professionals who can use interdisciplinary thinking skills to develop new approaches for the utilization of technologies and digital products. All over the world, there is an expanding need for experts who can creatively manage the convergence of different communication platforms, who can analyze, anticipate and address the changing needs and expectations of individuals as consumers or as citizens.

More so than in the past, creative industries in today’s world comprise increasingly complex components and processes in terms of form, function, material, and production. Consequently, it is becoming more important to acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of new concepts of the 21st century, such as interaction design, experience design, and service design.

This new interdisciplinary field which combines applied design, social and behavioral sciences, computation, and experimental design requires an extensive understanding of human cognition, emotions, and perceptions; of systems and informatics; of the history and philosophy of science; of technology, and information. Therefore, close collaboration between the disciplines of design, computing, psychology, sociology, history, and media studies is imperative.

This graduate program aims to provide students with an opportunity to acquire an applied, theoretical, and critical understanding of interactive communication, experience design, and service design, and to develop as researchers and practitioners.

Program Outcomes:

1. Understanding and analyzing contemporary developments in the field of user-oriented design

2. To be able to use design, technology, and social sciences interdisciplinary studies

3. Producing experimental prototypes, learning normative methods, analyzing user data, or obtaining a culture of design, artistic, and/or social criticism

4. Transforming the findings into scientific publications

5. Observing research projects suggestions and application conclusion processes

Programme structure

Since graduates from the different fields of design, engineering, and social sciences will be accepted into the program, students are required to take the foundation courses listed below in order to prepare themselves for the interdisciplinary graduate program. Students who have taken these or equivalent courses at the undergraduate level or have obtained the program director’s consent will be exempt from taking these courses and can immediately start the MDes program. The courses listed below are available at Koç University for students who did not take them during their undergraduate education:

  • MAVA 205 Creative Thinking in Design
  • MAVA 337 Introduction to Programming for Design
  • MATH 202 Statistics for Social Sciences
  • SOCI 201 Scientific Methods for Social and Behavioral Sciences / MAVA 307 Media Research Methods

The non-thesis MDes Program, with a graduation project, consists of a total of 10 courses, amounting to a minimum of 30 credits.

The length of the MDes program is one year.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the MA Program in Design, Technology, and Society can work in many national and international academic positions, journals, and publishing houses in design, technology and society, research centers, and private and public institutions serving in the relevant field, provided that they provide the necessary competencies.

Not available for applying at the moment
Not available for applying at the moment